Question Tag

1. Definisi
Question Tag adalah pertanyaan diakhir kalimat yang sengaja dibuat untuk meyakinkan pernyataan dan lawan bicara/untuk memberikan penegasan dalam bertanya kepada lawan bicara.
2. Aturan dalam Question Tag
a. Jika pernyataannya berupa kalimat positive maka question tagnya harus negative
b. Dan sebaliknya jika pernyataannya berupa kalimat negative maka question tagnya harus positive.
c. Subjectnya harus berupa pronoun(kata ganti)

Question tag yang dibentuk dengan TOBE (am,is,are,was,were)
Example :
He is a programmer, isn’t he?
She is not a treasure, is he?
They are good entrepreneur, aren’t they?
You are not lazy, aren’t you?
We were handsome, weren’t we?
They were not soldier, were they?
He was a singer, was he?
Question Tag yang dibentuk dengan AUXILIARY (do,does,did,have,has,had)
He teaches Social Media, doesn’t he?
She doesn’t speak Chinese, does she?
They did math easily, didn’t they?
You didn’t take a bath, did you?
He hasn’t told me about his problem, has he?
Anne has create a beautiful word, hasn’t she?
We have seen this beautiful rainbow, haven’t we?
You haven’t know about me, have you?
She had looked for you, hadn’t she?
We hadn’t written in our blog, had we?
Question tag yang di bentuk dengan modal (will, shall, would, should, must, may, might, can, could)

Note :
Untuk kalimat pernyataan yang menggunakan similar modal maka yang dipakai untuk membentuk question tag adalah TOBE atau AUXILIARY

3.       Ketentuan Untuk Subject Ganda dalam Kalimat

I + you         = we
I + she         = we
I + he           = we
I + they        = we
I + it             = we

She + he     = they
She + she   = they
She + they = they
She + it      = they

You + she    = you
You + he     = you
You + they = you
You + you   = you
You + it       = you

He + they   = they
He + it        = they
It + it          = they
It + they    = they

I and you didn’t come to the party, didn’t we?
Britney and Selena are my friends, aren’t they?
Ryna and you will visit me soon, won’t you?
 A cow and cat are animal, aren’t they?
I and cat go to the party, don’t we?
You and Ayu can finish it, can’t you?
Sinta and Jojo called me, didn’t they
Julytha and I don’t come, do we?
We and Azka must obey it?
Rossi and Jorge will be here tomorrow, won’t they?

4.       Pengecualian dalam Question Tag
a.       Pada kalimat yang menggunakan TOBE “am” maka dalam question tagnya berubah menjadi “are”
I am a diligent student, aren’t I?
I am beautiful, aren’t I?
I am coding, aren’t I?
I am studying Dutch, aren’t I?
I am telling story, aren’t I?
b.      Kalimat positive yang bermakna negative maka kalimat itu kita anggap kalimat negative. Jadi, question tagnya berupa kalimat positive.
Contohnya :
No               : tidak
Never          : tidak pernah
Seldom       : jarang
Rarely          : jarang
Few              : sedikit
Little            : sedikit
Impossible  : tidak mungkin
Dislike          : tidak suka
Impolite       : tidak sopan
Incorrect     : tidak benar
Absent         : tidak masuk



To Be Smart Everything ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)